DuraTech is a double-wall, all-fuel chimney system for used with wood stoves, fireplaces, furnaces, boilers, ranges, water heaters or other appliances fueled by wood, oil, coal or gas, and zero-clearance fireplaces that are factory-built. This system...
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Product Reviews
Great service
Ordered an entire chimney from Woodland, parts were shipped by truck, and there was no damage. Misordered too many parts, needed to send some back, including a 4 ft sectionn of pipe. They recieved it damaged, but coveered it anyway. I ordered a 2 ft section of pipe, which I received damaged, and they sent a better one, which was package better. It is tricky sending pipe section and parts through UPS. But their service is great, the chimney works well. I would highly reccomend Woodland.
Easy to install. Thanks
24" Insulated Stainless Steel Chimney Pipe
We received our pipe in good condition. This was bought to extend our existing chimney. Works great!